How Do Visitor Management Systems Work?

There was a time when pen and paper was the only visitor management system known to mankind. You may still find visitor log books in use at many workplaces, but technology has made them a relic of the past. Today's VMSs are sophisticated cloud-connected programs that you can manage from anywhere using your mobile phone or laptop. They automate the visitor management process, improve workplace security, and help you perform a myriad of supplementary tasks such as screening visitors or managing the new hybrid workplace.

So, what is the modern visitor management system and how does it work, exactly?

Trash that Visitor Log Book

Pen and paper fall way short of fulfilling the requirements of a modern, flexible workplace. For example:

  • The sign-in process is painfully slow. You can expect to see queues forming and visitors fuming with frustration.
  • You need a human receptionist to handle visitors, call their hosts, and make sure they have filled out the log book.
  • You don't know for sure who is or was in the office at any given date and time unless you have the visitor book with you.
  • There's no quick or easy way to verify visitor credentials or screen them against watchlists. This raises security and compliance questions.
  • Using an old visitor book and a tired receptionist to greet visitors may not be the best way to portray your company.

In a half-hearted attempt at digitization, some offices have replaced pen and paper with Excel worksheets, but Excel doesn't resolve critical visitor management challenges.

Pen and Paper Visitor Log

How Do Visitor Management Systems Work?

Covid-19 has devastated many industries. Visitor management isn't one of them. The global visitor management market is forecast to grow from $1.1 billion in 2021 to $2.3 billion by 2026. The growth is driven by the post-pandemic demand for tighter security and more flexibility at workplaces.

Demands of the New Workplace

Regulators like OSHA and CDC have made employers responsible for creating healthier workplaces by implementing Covid safety guidelines such as social distancing, health and safety screening, and remote working. Employers are also expected to know who was in the office at any given date or time, just in case of an outbreak or any other eventuality. In addition to providing security against criminals and intruders, managers must also protect their employees and offices from germs and viruses.

Germs in the New Workplace
Visitor Welcome Screen

Working of the Latest Visitor Management Systems

Modern visitor management systems like Lobbytrack make it easy to create safer and flexible workplaces. The post-pandemic visitor management systems consist of cloud-hosted computer applications that run on desktops and mobile phones. Managers and employees can use these applications to schedule visits and invite people to the office. Visitors get the invite via email or mobile app and can provide the required details to register for the visit.

Once at the workplace, visitors can sign in using a mobile app running on a tablet placed in the lobby. The system also allows the front desk staff to register visitors on the spot and sign them in using the Lobby mobile app. The new generation of VMSs automatically stores all visitor logs in the cloud, so the security team knows who is on location in real time or was there at any given time. That's not all. Today's VMSs have many other features that help you manage flexible workspaces.

Features of Modern Visitor Management Systems

Specifically, here are the features a visitor management system must have to meet the demands of a modern workplace:

Online Visitor Registration

The latest cloud-based VMSs allow hosts to preregister visitors before they arrive. Employees or managers can schedule visits from anywhere using a browser-based interface and send out invites. Visitors can register for the visit by filling out the customizable registration form and receive confirmation along with visit instructions and sign in process.

Pre-Register Visitors
Health Screening Questionnaire

Health and Safety Screening

OSHA regulations require the employers under its purview to screen employees and visitors for COVID-19 symptoms. Lobbytrack and other modern VMSs allow managers to send visitors simple health and safety questions, which they must answer when registering for the visit.

Watchlist Screening

Watchlists are databases of criminals including terrorists, sex offenders, or other criminals who you want to keep away from the workplace. Lobbytrack can check visitors against federal and state criminal databases as well as internal watchlists to ensure bad guys stay out.

Watchlist Checks
Arrival Notifications

Visitor Arrival and Departure Notifications

The system automatically notifies hosts when their visitors arrive at the workplace. The hosts receive the notification via email, mobile app, or SMS text. Lobbytrack also notifies security guards via the Guard mobile app when a visitor arrives or leaves.

Emergency Alerts

The modern digital VMS is a vital part of a company's security infrastructure. The software automatically alerts security in case an emergency evacuation is initiated or if someone on a watchlist tries to check in.

Emergency Alert
Print a Visitor Badge

Visitor Badge Printing

Today's cutting-edge visitor management systems can design visitor badges automatically using the registration data. Your staff can print visitor badges on site using the Check-in App or print them in advance and send them out to visitors.

Touchless Visitor Check-in

As the coronavirus refuses to die, touchless continues to be the new normal. Lobbytrack and other VMSs in its class allow touchless check in for visitors via QR code scanning. You can also set up self sign-in kiosks for faster sign-in during high visitor throughput.

Touchless Sign-In
Office Desk Space

Hot Desking and Space Booking

The modern workplace is hybrid. It supports both at-home and on-site workers. Modern visitor management software includes hot desking and shared space booking modules that can transform a regular office into a flexible workplace.

Cloud-to-Cloud Integrations

Cloud-based VMSs like Lobbytrack can work seamlessly with other cloud-based software such as access control systems, identity management software, and CRM software. Most of these systems sport an open API that programmers can use to design custom third-party integrations.

Cloud Integration
Who is Signed-In

Store and Access Visitor Logs

How many visitors are on site right now? How many were there last Wednesday? Who checked in and checked out, and when? Your visitor management software must be able to answer these questions reliably, easily, and quickly.

Does Your Office Need A Digital Visitor Management System?

The short answer to this question is yes. Adopting a cloud-based VMS such as Lobbytrack can cut down the workload for your front-desk staff, provide more clarity to your security teams, and deliver a safer and smoother workplace experience to your employees and visitors.

You Need a Visitor Management System
Get Started

How to Get Started

Fortunately, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to start using modern visitor management software. Cloud-based VMSs such as Lobbytrack come with a free trial and are available for an affordable subscription. Lobbytrack requires no training and is extremely easy to use for your employees and visitors. Check out Lobbytrack today and let us know if you need a free demo!